The Evolution of B2B Sales Trends and Transformations

To adapt to the new reality of remote work, B2B sales teams are prioritizing digitization and customer experience more than ever, adopting new technology and pivoting selling strategies. However, DocuSign’s research reveals that many sales teams are not leveraging their digital sales tools effectively.This research report presents data from over 750 surveyed B2B sales professionals and offers a look at the state of B2B sales in light of the rapid shift to remote work. The report also highlights underutilized technology and identifies an opportunity to digitize and automate contract management. Inside, you’ll see data about modern sales trends, including:• The growing focus on using technology to deliver a superior customer experience• How successful sales teams adapted to remote selling and how they expect to sell in the future• Why digitizing and automating the contract process needs to be a priority for any sales processGet a glimpse into the report with DocuSign’s Enterprise Sales VP, Michael Cipolla.

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